Genghis Khan made the most achievements in ten worlds in his military life, one of which is recognized by the world

 Genghis Khan is a historical celebrity who shocked the world. As Chinese scholars have said, among the many emperors in China, probably only Genghis Khan is a figure with worldwide influence. Therefore, for the whole world, the impact after his death is far greater than before his death. Genghis Khan, the Mongolian giant, has transcended historical time and space, broke through the national and national boundaries, and has become a worldwide hot topic. The most influential American media "Washington Post" and "New York Times" respectively rated Genghis Khan as "the first man in the millennium" and "the great man in the millennium".

(1) Created the largest empire in the world

After more than 20 years of bloody battle, Temujin finally eliminated all opponents, surrendered to the tribes, and unified the Mongolian grasslands, and the entire desert grasslands were unified under his banner. From this day on, he led his children and grandchildren to launch large-scale wars of conquest. The force of the iron hoof, the force of the tornado "nuclear" explosion, swept the entire Eurasian continent. There have been more than 40 countries, more than 700. All nations belong to the Mongol Empire. His descendants founded the Mongol Empire, the Chagatai Khanate, the Yier Khanate, the Golden Horde, and later the Timur Khanate. Almost all of Asia and Europe have become the territory of the Mongol Empire. A huge dynasty with a magnificent territory, the steppe empire, also known as the mainland empire, emerged. The size of its territory can be said to be unprecedented, and there is no one to come after. How big its territory is, it is still "X" to this day. According to relevant historical records, the territory at that time was equivalent to 30 million square kilometers, three times as much as the current Chinese territory. From the Korean Peninsula in the east, Poland and Hungary in the west, Russia in Siberia in the north, and the Indochina Peninsula in the south, it is 15°~60°N latitude and 15°~130°E longitude.

The famous Soviet Russian scholar Bartold said: "The establishment of the Genghis Khan Empire is a unique event in the world from a certain point; the unification of the civilized countries of the Far East and the former Asia under one dynasty is unprecedented." Therefore, he went down in history as the "Conqueror of the World". The size of this empire has never appeared in a country comparable to it in history. It far exceeds the boundary line reached by the cavalry of Alexander the Great Macedonian heavy lance, the sword of the Roman army, and the artillery of the Napoleonic army. It has created Christian culture and Islam. Geographical and transportation conditions where teaching culture and other cultures meet directly. American scholar Tavri Atas said in "Global History": "For the first and only time in history, a regime has crossed the Eurasian continent. Japanese scholar Saburo Ota said: "Look at the great achievements of the Mongolian nation. , During the six hundred years of pitching, I was amazed at the large territory of the dragon and the tiger. Since the beginning of the earth, I don’t know how many heroes have swept the continent; since history, I don’t know how many emperors have flattened the land. However, the scale and the breadth of Genghis Khan are beyond comparison."

(2) Launched the largest war in human history

The scale and scope of the war launched by Genghis Khan was unprecedented, and there will be no one to come after. He lived to 66 years old, never left horseback in his life, never left the battlefield. The Mongolian war horses not only drank the waters of the Yellow River, the Yangtze River, and the Pearl River for a long time, but also swallowed the Amu Darya and the Indus River, and finally splashed the Danube with their hoofs. They defeated Russia, Poland, Hungary, and Germany three times. Genghis Khan and his successors carried out many expeditions by fast-moving cavalry, and the land they had traveled could not be measured in miles but latitude. He had only 200,000 cavalrymen, but launched an unprecedented battle, defeating the Jin Kingdom, Southern Song Dynasty, and Huarazimo, which have a relatively developed economy and culture, with a population of tens of millions, and an army of hundreds of thousands and millions. The preface of "Tiemuzhen Tie'er on the Use of Soldiers" and an early Russian military strategist Koliegin said: "A general view of the history of the world, very few troops (about 200,000), in a very short period of time (AD 1207-1227) Years) Raising the vast land (most of the Eurasian continent) and ruling a large population, except for the Tatars in the Genghis Khan era and the Central Asian Minor in the Timurid era, there has never been one since the creation of the world. So it is known as a generation of arrogance. "The War of the Western Expedition Khorizmah was Genghis Khan's first battle to conquer the Eurasian continent. This battle had the farthest journey, the most troops, and the largest scale. This big battle pushed Genghis Khan onto the world political arena. In the west of the Huarazimian Kingdom, the Mongolian army overcame insurmountable difficulties and created three miracles in the world: First, the army led by Shuchi and Zhebee crossed the Pamirs and Tianshan Mountains, the world's restricted area, and the horseshoes can also be frozen. Unexpectedly, the harsh weather in China surrounded the Kingdom of Huarazim from the south. The second is that Genghis Khan and Tuo Lei led the main expeditionary force of 110,000 people and crossed the Kisilkum Desert. There is an uninhabited desert with a diameter of several hundred kilometers. It is a natural barrier that is universally recognized as absolutely impossible to pass. However, the Mongolian army completely passed it, cutting off the connection between Khorasan and Iraq, and surrounded from the southwest. Hua Lazi Mo shocked Samah Mo. The third is that Subutai and Zhebie led a Mongolian army of 30,000 people. They went north between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea, wade through the roaring rapids, through the cliff canyon, and crossed Amu in Bandhab while pursuing Samahmoh. The river, without a boat, was made of cowhide wrapped in branches, hid the ordnance clothing in it, tied to the body, grabbed the horsetail or horsehair, swam with the horse across the river, and drove straight to Khorasan, almost capturing Samahamo. Genghis Khan fought on the Eurasian continent for decades and conquered dozens of countries. The four khanates established by Mongolia are the product of three large-scale western expeditions. Some historians in the West today call the thirteenth century the century of the Mongols, still in view of the scale of the war in the world.

(3) Established the earliest transportation liaison system

Genghis Khan was the first person to establish a transportation communication system in history. This is the world-famous Mongolian post communication system. The Mongolian army conquered a vast area. In order to maintain the smooth communication between the expedition and the base camp, Genghis Khan first formed the world's best and fastest communication soldier known as the "Arrow Speed ​​Cavalry". This signal soldier is well-trained and is directly under the command of Le Mi, one of the four dogs of Genghis Khan. They travel hundreds of miles a day at the post stations set up along the way. In case of emergency, they will change horses and not change people. They will sweat profusely in time. The order was communicated to all troops, and the frontline battle situation was forwarded to the highest command, thus ensuring the timely transmission of intelligence and the victory of the battle. A Japanese scholar and author of "The History of Genghis Khan", Zhang Xiaolu Zhang said that "it only took 40 days from the front line of the Caspian Sea to the Klulun River in Mongolia." The parts are connected to each other, and the merchant messenger can pass unimpeded as long as he holds the post card issued by the Mongol Empire. According to historical records, there were as many as 1383 post stations in the Mongol and Yuan Dynasties, and emergency delivery shops were set up every twenty miles as an auxiliary means. Therefore, the front line extends to Europe and Asia, and it is possible to achieve "the context is smooth, the day and the night are coming, and the sound and hearing must be reached."

(4) Pushing military art to the peak of the cold weapon era

Genghis Khan took the army as the main organizational force and war as the main form of struggle, and directed the only vivid and mighty and spectacular scenes in the history of human warfare. He has built an army with first-class advanced weapons and excellent qualities in the world. This army has the strongest combat effectiveness and the highest martial skills in the world. Genghis Khan is undoubtedly an outstanding genius in the world's military history, and has greatly developed military science. In this regard, the world-famous military strategist and General MacArthur of the United States said: "If the records of war (except Genghis Khan’s war records) are erased from history, only the specific records of Genghis Khan’s battles will be left, and they will be well preserved. , Then soldiers will still have endless wealth. From those records, soldiers can acquire useful knowledge and shape an army for future wars. The success of that amazing leader (Genghis Khan) has made most of history The commander’s achievements are eclipsed.” In the military art, Genghis Khan has a unique trick that no one else has done or imagined.

To sum it up: Five No. 1 in the world.

1. Formed the world's first-rate and powerful fast cavalry

Scholars from various countries have their own opinions on the reasons for Genghis Khan's success, but there is one thing everyone agrees, and that is the Mongolian cavalry. Genghis Khan, based on the Mongolian society's characteristics of grazing and hunting economy, transformed the entire Mongolian army into cavalry and formed a powerful cavalry that is unparalleled in the world. The Mongolian cavalry has an amazing speed. Genghis Khan used this specialty as the best and fastest offensive weapon in the war, giving full play to the powerful impact power of the Mongolian cavalry similar to tank troops and the rapid mobility of similar mechanized troops.

2. The first to realize that all the people are soldiers

The Mongols learned to ride horses and archery since they could stand up and walk. "Dosang Mongolian History" says that the Mongols are "born as warriors." This kind of hunting and nomadic life has not only exercised the strong physique of the Mongols, but also honed their strong will and cultivated their superb riding and shooting skills. Genghis Khan did not depart from the production and lifestyle of the nomadic economy in the establishment, training, and use of the army. The nomads usually graze and hunt. When the war comes, they immediately organize into cavalry to fight, and all of them are very good cavalry and archers. Genghis Khan created an unprecedented people of a country composed of fighters and a country composed of armed cavalry. This country is the Mongol Empire. The Mongol Empire is a military feudal empire. The biggest feature of its society is the integration of military and administration, with the integration of military and civilians. Its civilians are soldiers. The herdsmen usually participate in labor and production, but in wartime they are engaged in battle. According to the needs of the war and the characteristics of Mongolian society, Genghis Khan established a feudal regime under the system of "feudalization of feudal households" with the integration of production, administration, and military affairs. He rewarded the meritorious officials of the founding of the country and sealed ten thousand households, one hundred households, one hundred households, and ten households in Nayan. The herdsmen and land are divided into administrative units of ten households, hundreds of households, thousands of households, and 10,000 households, which are subordinate to the jurisdiction of Nayan at all levels. In this way, every administrative division is a first-level military organization, and every family is a combat unit. Thousands, hundreds, and ten heads of households at all levels became feudal lords, large and small, and military chiefs at all levels. The common people regularly served and paid tribute to the lords. During the war, they brought their own supplies to Nayan. Genghis Khan was the first in the world to implement the conscript system. All men between the ages of 15 and 60 are organized in certain positions and live a life in preparation for war. War and hunting are the only labor suitable for men. For the Mongols, hunting is military training, and winter hunting is arranged as a military operation. In this military country, the military institutions and the political institutions are integrated to realize the militarization of the whole people. It not only guaranteed the stability and unity of the Mongol Empire politically, but also provided military and organizational guarantees for large-scale expansion wars. This three-in-one organization of production, administration, and military effectively resolved the contradictions of the small country’s strength, shortage of troops, and inconvenient command, turning the Mongol Empire into a large barracks and forming a powerful military force.

3. Created the world's first artillery unit

According to historical records, when the Mongolian army conquered Khwarazmo in 1220 AD, it created an artillery regiment and appointed the wise and brave Wokuotai as the highest command of the artillery. The Mongolian army used three thousand crossbows, three hundred catapults, four thousand ladders, two thousand five hundred stone capsules, and siege vehicles and city-breaking vehicles in the siege of Nishapur. When attacking Samargan, flamethrower was used. Japanese military strategist Iimura Jo said: “Genghis Khan first used napalm 800 years ago.” Genghis Khan adopted the suggestion of his beneficiary Muhai for better. In tackling tough problems, they organized a 500-man artillery unit headed by Mu Hai. Later, the "Return to the Mansion of the Gunner General Ten Thousand Households" and the "Mansion of the Gunner Ten Thousand Households" were set up. In general ten thousand households, there is also a "gunner thousand households". This artillery unit played a huge role in the attacks on gold, summer, and Hwa Lazimo, and later on Song, Dali, and Goryeo. This artillery regiment has a complete set of armaments for siege warfare, including not only stone throwers, copper artillery, rocket launchers, but also flamethrowers and napalm bombs. The copper artillery was the first heat weapon with strong lethality developed in the world during Genghis Khan's period.

4. Established the world's first staff

Genghis Khan attaches great importance to defeating the enemy strategically. Therefore, before he takes a strategic action, he always conducts investigations and studies for a long time, collects detailed information, and formulates a thorough plan on this basis, and makes full preparations. Before the conquest of the Naiman Tribe, Genghis Khan appointed thousands of officials and hundreds of officials to his army, and formed a thousand members of the army; he appointed Tuorun, Duo Da, and other six Chaerbi (official name, Chang Servant), this is the original General Staff. In 1204, with the Naiman tribe, the Mongols marched into the field of Saari and discussed: how to deal with it. It is Duo Dachaer who offered a souvenir to Genghis Khan, who used the method of increasing fire, "Everyone who has a life will be fired at five places, and be shocked by fire." This plan worked as expected and deceived the Jiaoya's Naiman Buyang Khan, making him come to the conclusion that "the fire is more than the stars and clouds, and the Mongolia is more ridiculous". This is the earliest General Staff Headquarters in the world. In 1206, after Genghis Khan said he had a great sweat, he said to Kubei Lai to make a benevolent decree: "The matter of several armies, your commander-in-chief". Suddenly he became the first chief of staff. Since then, the General Staff of the Mongolian Army has become a well-organized and highly effective command. There are Han people, Khitan people, Ugher people, Arabs, and returnees in this staff.

5. The first in the world to invent the "blitzkrieg"

The blitzkrieg was the first of Genghis Khan. The point of the blitzkrieg is a sudden attack and a quick battle. Genghis Khan has fought for a lifetime. Most of the battles are offensive warfare. Generally, the tactics of bold surprise attack, surprise attack and running attack are used. He has always advocated the use of force and maneuverability to launch bold and adventurous offensives, fought violently, and make quick decisions. With unexpected forces, weapons, speed, and tactics at unexpected times and places, cavalry groups are used on a large scale to completely annihilate the enemy in a short period of time. It is said that they travelled 230 miles in three days during the battle on the Hungarian plains. They carry a leather bag for drinking water, which can be inflated when the bag is empty and used to swim across the river. If necessary, drink horse blood and horse milk to quench your hunger and thirst. The hunting skills they learned in their childhood enabled them to use the flying horses to march for long distances and fight together.

(5) The greatest winner in human history

The name of Genghis Khan is related to the word "cheng". In a sense, to interpret Genghis Khan is to interpret the word "cheng". Historians call him the greatest winner because he and his descendants conquered half of the world, shocked the whole world, and established the world's largest empire. Sun Tzu was a "great military theorist", and Genghis Khan was a "military practitioner with victorious battles." Genghis Khan fought more than 60 battles in his life, and never failed. His miracle that he must fight and win every time has exhausted mankind's military talents to the extreme.

(6) The most influential figures in the history of the world

Genghis Khan and his descendants ruled the West for 250 years. For the whole world, the impact of Genghis Khan after his death was greater than before his death. A German professor wrote in "The Indomitable King Temujin": "In Europe, as in Western Asia, it is impossible not to re-establish the natural order. That way, both in Europe and Asia, they will wake up from their sleepy state. , It is urgently necessary to shake them with a strong hand. In this way, a powerful hand to shake them appeared, this is the unyielding King Chichiki and his descendants. Russians, Germans and other Western European nationals can Up to now




